Jalan-jalan Cari Makan di Melaka..

Back to current day on a happier note...setting emo-ness aside..lol was such a random thing..I had to do some food reviews on Malacca's local food and my friends and I just packed up and left Klang..hahaha was super fun..a fun day with fun people..I had Bobby, Weng Yip and Mei Hwa with me..and when we got to Malacca we had Shannon to take us around and he's an angel..lol..well peeps here u have pictures of FOOD FOOD and more FOOD....ohhh how I love my job..Hahahahaha...=)


Meet Weng Yip and Bobby

Meet Sharm and Mei Hwa

Meet the Klangnites
-Weng Yip, Mei Hwa and Bobby-

Meet our lil angel, Shannon (isnt he cute?)

Chicken Rice Balls (breakfast) -
we ordered for 4 and it came to RM25-

Cendol Durian from Jonker Dessert -each bowl cost at RM2.70-

Various tarts from The Tarts Shop

Kaiser Burger -cost RM4.00-(cepat la masuk KL)

Bobby's White Wine Mee Sua from NEWTON -RM5-

Sharm's(ME) Bak Kut Teh from NEWTON-Freakking RM8-
(baik makan Klang punya)

Mei Hwa's Porridge from NEWTON -RM5-

Satay Babi(awesome-ness) -RM11.40 for 20 sticks and 1 ketupat-

Coconut Shake aka Kelapa Goncang from the tepi jalan -RM2.20-

Portugese Settlement

*more pictures to come later on..belum upload..hahaha till then ciao..=)*

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