smiles forming..

So its been a month now and all I can say is, reality has yet to be accepted by me..I know I may be this really emo emo person but heck I cant help it..all I know is that I am getting through everyday because of my family and friends..dunno wat I'll do without be honest its great to know how much me being happy matters to so many people but I wouldnt want to lose a loved one to find all this out..I a consuming everything one day at a time and it is starting to get felt almost like when the time he was still studying abroad..only diff is I am not getting daily emails, text messages and skyping sessions with him..hahaha okay what happened today was really weird..
I was out for a movie with Casey, Erica and May Yin when the weirdest thing happened..I saw HIM, errr at least I thought it was him. Well we were walking and this guy who looks like Kyne passed by..gosh I went nuts..haha I actually tailed him and at one point where I lost him I was almost in tears..then I saw him again and I went after him tapped him on his shoulders and ahhhh alas, like what you see in the movies its NOT him...grrrr..well getting the weird part..this guy he looked at me and suddenly he just asked "hey arent you carlson's ex?"..I was dumbfounded..WTF how does he know me...??? Lol then I corrected him.."not ex, i still am his girlfriend.." wat a weird thing to say..well later I found out he and Kyne were second cousins...ahhhh for a moment there I thought miracle had occur...I am missing him badly..wish he was here right we were going home,even I didnt realise..tears were rolling down my cheeks..HOW CAN THIS BE TRUE...??? I miss him alot..I'd do anything to relive the time I was with more fighting over little things like where to eat, wat movie to watch, why is he late, whatice cream flavour is better...AHHHHH..well no harm in praying for all those to'll always be close to my heart baby..I love you..I know I've said it like a million times..its ok, I'll stop when I reach a billion..hugs..

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