1Malaysia? What's that?
Last week a couple of my friends and I ended up hanging out in a big playground cum park somewhere in Bangsar. After sometime of hanging out and taking nonsense, some new guy we just met at the park came up with the 1Malaysia concept. Well that dude was obviously drunk and was getting to my nerves. From the way a certain people speak or carry themselves we can know what they are actually implying or trying to say. This one was trying to show that he's too smart.
However that night, by being mr-know-it--all, that dude made the biggest mistake by asking me what I think bout the concept and before I can even finish he cut me through. Thats a big no no man. So what do I think of 1Malaysia? Hmm interesting. I think its utter bullshit!! A bunch of hypocrites trying to instill patriotism in an already dying "semangat merdeka" community?? A political figure trying to save his own ass by bringing up what his father introduced half a century ago and claiming its all his idea??
If you were to ask me, I'll say 1Malaysia was what malaysians were exactly 52 years ago. Right before independence. Where the malays, chinese and indians live as one. Living in the village as a whole eco-system of their own. It never really was a dog eat dog world. Everyone were what you called family these day. Sincerity in lending a helping hand not wanting anything in return.
Merdeka spirit. Hahaha its like a laughing matter now. Youngsters use the excuse of wanting to celebrate independence day to go out partying. Do they even know what independence day mean?? Drive down to Sunway Pyramid tonight and take a walk down the road where all the clubs are. As it strikes midnight, you can hear all the spinning djs immediately doing countdowns, playing "Tanggal 31" and shit. Everyone will be just so drunk that mostly what you gonna hear are those african american students or any other forreigners for that matter shouting out "MERDEKA MERDEKA and MERDEKA".
Please la people, stop making us look like fools whenever independence day nears by. Stop commercialising and ,making it turn into another one of those money making mumbo jumbo day. I myself for one do not appreciate Merdeka as I feel there is no use. In order to achive independence there must be unity. As years goes by unity in the people of our nation are suppose to be growing stronger but look at us?? Cant even have a concert without stepping on each other's toes.
Who are we kidding when we say we are united as one?? We were once united but that wall of unity is going down the drain. Lets thank our every giving politician for that. Politicians who are always the first to give in a helping hand whenever citizens of other countries get into trouble, also who are the same politicians who fail to see that problems in our own nation that are going on everyday. My dad always told me, "clean your own shit first before you can comment on others' toilet bowl". I guess these public figures never met my dad.
So back to the 1Malaysia concept. Do you think its worth talking about since we already know the outcome? You tell me.
The dude at the park who brought this up had nothing to say as he quickly changed the topic to how to roll a proper joint, the right amount and the length. FARK him..!!
So people 1Malaysia is just another vision that existed 50 years ago and has died as time creeped by. Lets thank our beloved minister who has brought it up thinking people wouldnt realise that it was not really his idea. Gosh and people say so much about plagarism. Happy Merdeka everyone. For those of you who have lied to your parents saying that you're trully out to celebrate independence day, THUMBS UP..!! Just know that your parents are not that dumb..!! Again drive safely on your way back home as policemen with the semangat kemerdekaan, who are ever so concern bout the citizens of Malaysia are all scheming on how to make money out of you guys tonight.
kids who are yet to know how fucked-up life is gonna be..!!
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