Ray Cheong

Hey people..like I have stated in my previous post, am sorry am not able to blog as much as I used to because I have a very tight schedule..*hahaha as if*...LOL well yea thats the truth and here's one of the reason why..I am officially managing Ray Cheong.
What I can say about Ray is that he's a real good friend and a talented person and I never even thought of ever being his manager but after some brain storming session we realised that in order to achieve our personal goals we needed each other. I have what he needs and he has exactly what I want so together we'll just work something out that benefits both parties.
Managing comes along with alot of patience and hardwork. Therefore there is no time to goof around if we want things to get going inthe right way..Well enough bout this managing thing...Lets just head off about my talent that I am managing, Ray Cheong.
So people, at the moment Ray and I have come up with a fan base facebook group. Do check him out at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=110775738362
Ray also has a youtube link and it can be viewed at www.youtube.com/stingeray
Ray Cheong

Ray Cheong has a voice as true as a bell, as oddly world-weary as a Charlie Chaplin smile, as broken as a heart. The world if we read the rave reviews on this fast emerging singer-songwriter, will fall in love with this unmistakable voice soon enough. Although his "soulful ways" are constantly being associated with big names like John Mayer and Ben Harper of the United States, Ray begs to differ as he feels that he portrays music in a whole different way.Being inspired to sing and to be musically inclined since small, this young lad from an island called Penang in Malaysia have performed on numerous stages which makes him anything but a stranger in the music scene. Ray started cultivating music in him not only due to passion but because he feels that music is the purest and most sincere form of expression.Having been so experienced and skillful there was no sign of hesitance for Ray to just pick up his guitar and do a number or two of his originals at any one point of time.Ray's passion in singing and compositions has indeed brought him to discover his very own powerful vocals to sync with his guitar technics.
To everyone that has been supportive towards Ray and I, we'd like to thank each and everyone of you and we'll ertainly update you on out upcoming gigs and events..till then..THANKS..

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