OMG OMG OMG I knew that Ray's band was good just didnt expect them to be that good..!! I tagged along as manager for the first time yesterday..and GOSH am proud of the trio..Ray Cheong, Ashwin Gobinath and Zaim Zaidee..!!!
We went to the same jamming studio and guess what was the first thing Ray said when he came down from the studio?? "Eh eh Ella up stairs wei..!! Ella, you know Ella?? She damn hot wei!! Ahahahahahahha fucker..!!" Well yea we were jamming in the same place and she seems like a really nice person. Sounds at the studio was actually quite bad and its amazing MY guys made it sound so good..!! Zaim was the man..!! Hahaha he played everything so well..Ash, I think am in love with his hands..!! Hahahah goofing around as his drums sounded the worst..and as for Ray aka Ray-gay aka Monkey boy..its impossible not to fall for his sense of music..
All I can say is am so proud of them..there is so much potential in each and everyone of them and yet there is still room for improvement. As manager, I am so happy I am with them..check them out in www.youtube.com/stingeray under Ray Ash Trio..!!
=) =) =)
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